We are now almost done with the first term of school and with the robotics unit. In this unit we looked at everything related to robots.
First of all we researched on robotics and what they are made out of. We looked at sensors, processors and actuators. I showed this on my wikispace like this:
Sensors --> senses information about the enviornment
Processor --> Processes the information from the sensors and thinks about what to do next
Actuators --> controls the gears, levers, wheels, pullys and other output devices according to the processor
Power --> to make all of the above work
We also looked at the robots that are used in our lives and what job they can do and advantages and disadvantages they have. Here are some Advantages:
There are a lot of advantages with robots. One is that the robot can do things faster and more accurate. Also they can work in Dangerous situation that humans can't. For example, under water at great depths, in fires, in space and even at war They are vital in the car industry because of these benefits. Humans had to do the work slowly to make it accurate. Robots can be programmed to do it fast and at the same time accurate. Robots also don't need sleep or food. They only need electricity to work. That way they can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year. This way a lot more work is done.
But there are also Disadvantages. Here they are:
For one, they reduce the number of jobs for the humans. Those humans will need new jobs which are often hard to find. When they have a job they will need to be retrained which will take money and time. Also, all the objects will be exactly the same and things that were special once become normal. Some things that were rare will be found everywhere. They will somewhen take over things like housework or work with children. Then a lot of people will become lazy and children won't have a bond with the parents because it is a robot that rise them up. Robots are usefull but we shouldn't exagrate.
When we were done with this we looked at some robot rules. Here are the ones I made up:
- When we were done with these questions we looked at some robot rules that all robots must have. we made up our own rules and then looked at some real ones.
- no harm can be done to any human or other robot
- no other robots can be build for any purpose
- only do work that has been asked to be done
- no human property can be harmed or used without permission from a human
- to obey every order given by the owner
Isaac Asimov made rules that almost every robot has these days.
- A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
- A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
- A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Then we looked at the mindstorm kits. We had some problems with that. When we were building some pieces were missing. We had to build something else. Once it was built, we didn't have any programs on the robot. When we tried to program it, the program we needed to program the robots didn't work. The program worked on the last few days only and we didn't have much time to experiment with that. The driver for the tower that transmitts the program to the robot was missing. So instead of using robolab, the rpogram to program the mindstorms, we used win logo to look at some basic robot instructions.Robots need clear instructions to do the things you want them to do. We made an example where a robot is walking and making a line with a pencil. Sometimes the robot would raise the pen and there wouldn't be a line. We made a set of Instructions that this robot might need:
- Pen up
- Pen Down
- Left x°
- Right x°
- Forward y steps
- Backward y steps
- Start
- Stop

This diagram was made by win logo.
Overall, the project was fun.