My Grade 7 IT Blog

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Client Meeting

1. Your design and layout of your web pages - does it fit your drawing/plan?
I modified the design a little bit. I added a few more pictures to make it a little bit more colorful and so it does not look Empty.
2. Your topic and research. What have you done in class?
My topic is about Tornadoes. I have done research on different kinds of fields about tornadoes. This included
different types of tornadoes and how tornadoes work. Also, I have been looking for videos associated with tornadoes.
3. Color, font and the use of multimedia.
I have used a black background to symbolize something that is not happy or nice. The font varies from the page I have been editing. I have bot yet been able to add videos but this is the next priority.
4. Does it have five pages?
It does not yet have five pages but they are all planned. I will have to add a gallery and video page. Also, A reference page will be added.
5. The features of apple iWeb. What is Working? What is not working in the web application?
So far, all features are working on apple iWeb. It is very easy to use and still makes it look professional.
6. Do you have an emergency plan? Do you have a reference page?
I do not yet have an emergency plan. It will have to be made sometime else as I have been working a lot on the iWeb and research. The reference page is going to be made as soon as possible.
7. You must take screenshots of your ... iWeb, Delicious bookmarks and google docs.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

'Good' and 'Bad' Website Designs

There are a lot of different website designs. Some are good and easy to ready and some are bad and are hard to look at. Here are some good and bad designs:
The website has a lot of color and moving text. It is hard to concentrate on anything because there are so manny distractions. also there is too much text at once, no paragraphing at all.
The website has only few colors. They are not too dominant and match very well. There is easy navigation and the information is easy to read.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


1. Why is communication so important during an Emergency?
During an emergency it is important that hep is coming. You will have to communicate to tell whoever is helping what the situation is and where the emergency situation is located. In natural disasters the communication is sometimes cut for example if the telephone wires ripped because of a thunder storm. If the communication is cut the people n the emergency zone are in great danger and no one can help or contact help.
2. What forms of communication have been used during recent disasters?

In recent disasters computers have mainly been use to inform others on the natural disasters happening. Of course TV and News have made a great impact on the information as well but computers and internet transfer information faster. Of course

phones also did a great impact. You often receive messages about the disaster.

3. What essential information is needs to be communicated during a disaster or emergency?

During an emergency it is essential that the information about what happened and where it happened is received. If this information does not reach the help the rescue teams can't do anything because they don't know if there aren't any dangers they don't expect. The information about how many people are injured is also very important. Then the rescue helpers can estimate how many people they will need to rescue the people.

4. What information can be created before the emergency?

If it is an earthquake it can often be calculated when it is going to happen. Then the danger zone can be evacuated. Also for hurricanes, it can be calculated and the danger zone evacuated. This information is vital!!!

5. What hardware and software is required to communicate online?

For online communication you need a computer or hardware that can connect to the internet. Then you need to have a software like skype or MSN. These programs deliver synchronous information.