My Grade 7 IT Blog

Sunday, October 19, 2008


We are now done with the Investigation of the Design Cycle. In this part we have found out a lot about robots and what it is made out of.
The robot is made out of Sensors, that sense what is around them, a processor, that processes the information from the sensors and give instructions to the actuators, that do the things the processor tells them to do like drive to the end of the street. And most important is the power to let all the other things work.
We also learned about what robots are can do to help humans and their adventages and disadvantages. They can be used for almost anything. They are now mostly used in Dangerous situation.
In the end we looked at the rules that robots need so they don't take over the world.
It was very interesting to learn about robots and what they do. I think that the part about creating the robot will be very interesting.

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